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Serve in the World

At AHCC, we are planning and preparing for a future in which every member of our church and every resident of the Asylum Hill community are working together to create opportunities for building relationships that focus on improving conditions for all of us who live in, worship, and care deeply about this community.

Kingdom Opportunities

There are many ways that AHCC outreach supports area agencies. One of the ways is through “Kingdom Opportunities,” where we choose one local partner each month to highlight their good works in the community, invite a speaker to tell us more about the agency, and offer support in the form of requested goods and services. Why are they called Kingdom Opportunities? Because caring for our neighbors is one way to bring about God’s vision “on earth, as it is in Heaven.”

Boys and Girls Clubs of Hartford

Loaves & Fishes Ministries

Community Volunteer Opportunities

There are many ways to serve at AHCC, including volunteering at our weekly community meals, helping with seasonal events, and much more. If you are interested in hearing more or in being a part of one of these opportunities, please reach out to Mary Way at

Interval House is committed to empowering clients and providing a nurturing environment for victims to heal and reclaim their lives as survivors.
The development of the Neighborhood Strategic Plan was an inclusive project that engaged residents, churches, major employers and institutions, small businesses and non-profits.
Creating solutions to address systemic problems.