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Sunday Services

Sunday Service

Sunday worship services are held at 10am via livestream and in person. Though there is a liturgical structure to Sunday worship, no two services are ever the same! Many Sundays feature community leaders, guest ministers, and special music and arts offerings, but every Sunday offers beautiful spirit-filled music and insightful preaching, in historic surroundings. After worship, all are invited to Drew Hall for a time of fellowship over a cup of coffee.

Outdoor Communion


At AHCC, we believe the sacrament of communion is a joyful celebration where all are invited to participate in God’s feast of connection, remembering Christ’s life and mission for us. We believe that the communion table is open to all who wish to receive the bread and cup, regardless of denominational affiliation, church membership, or where you are on your faith journey. Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month during worship. We look forward to having you join us!
REv. Erica and child at baptism


The sacrament of baptism is a celebration of God calling us “Beloved” and welcoming us into the community and care of Christ’s Church. It is a reminder that God’s love is a gift to us all – freely offered to all who wish to receive it, and an opportunity for the community to pledge their love, support and care for the one being baptized. We at AHCC rejoice in the fact that we get to be a part of this sacrament. If you want to talk with us more about baptism for an infant, child, or adult, please let us know. We schedule baptisms with the worship calendar in mind. We look forward to talking with you about this special moment in the life of the Church. To talk with someone about scheduling a baptism, please contact Kristin White at or 860.216.9832.