What is Stewardship?
Put simply, stewardship is “taking care of the things you care about.” Scripture tells us “Each of you should use your gifts to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its many forms.” -1 Peter 4:10
Is stewardship always about money?
Stewardship is everything I do after I say I believe. -St. Francis of Assisi
Stewardship is how we devote our time, talents, and our treasures in support of our church, programs, ministries, and each other. Every moment of worship, care and ministry has a financial cost; that’s a fact. Our individual financial commitments to AHCC determine the breadth and scope of worship, care and ministry our church can afford and provide.
But it is also about money. A quick read through the Gospels shows that Jesus had a lot to say about finances. He approached the subject in a number of ways, providing clear instruction, relatable parables, and wisdom on dealing with money. But many people (church leaders included) struggle with how to approach the subject of finances at church. It can be awkward. It can be confusing. And people aren’t sure how (or even if) they should address money in church.
How is stewardship involved with finances?
For many of us, the only time we hear the word “stewardship” is during the annual campaign. Yet stewardship involves everything we do and all of the ways we practice our faith. The gifts of presence, participation, and financial support are all needed to maintain the ministries of AHCC.
Every year, our budget is a financial representation of all that we plan to accomplish. Our fiscal budget says that this year will be filled with worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry, and mission. Without financial commitments we cannot fulfill what God is calling us to do. From turning on the lights in the sanctuary Sunday morning, to the many music and arts programs, to supporting our community and community organizations through grants, to the wonderful, talented staff we have – we can’t do any of it without you and your continued financial support.