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Serve at the Church

Service is a privilege of church membership to which we are all invited. There are many opportunities to serve within the church and outside our walls to our neighborhood, our city and beyond. Please explore some of the ways to serve “at the church,” and if there is a ministry that speaks to your heart and your faith that is not listed here, please let us know!

Welcome Team

AHCC is committed to providing an extravagant welcome, and on Sunday mornings that starts with our Welcome Team. Members of this group are stationed throughout the church to welcome members, visitors, and friends, guide them to their seats or provide general information. All that’s needed to serve in this way is a friendly smile and a welcoming spirit. To find out more, call the church office at 860.525.5696 or contact Mary Way at

Boards & Committees

The governance of AHCC is vested in its members. Along with the Board of Deacons (Diaconate), there are several standing Committees of the church to which people can be nominated or self-nominated. At the Annual Meeting, church officers, the board and committee chairs and members who will be responsible for building programs, are elected. These volunteers contribute time in support of the ministry of Asylum Hill Congregational Church. Meetings of the Board of Deacons and church committees are open to all AHCC members with prior knowledge given to the heads of those committees. To find out more, call the church office at 860.525.5696.