Greater Hartford Interfaith Action Alliance
In 2016, the Christian Activities Council (now the Center for Leadership and Justice, CLJ) extended invitations to houses of faith throughout Greater Hartford to explore establishing a broad-based justice initiative for churches, synagogues, mosques, and meeting houses. The goal was to build a diverse organization of lay leaders and clergy from across bounds of race, class, gender identity, religion and geography to build relational power to address justice issues in local communities and beyond.
After three years of building relationships and learning about the history and practice of faith-based community organizing, this group of diverse faith communities and allied institutions officially launched the Greater Hartford Interfaith Action Alliance (GHIAA) on October 28, 2019. AHCC has the honor of being one of the founding organizations of GHIAA and we continue to support and work with the coalition.
Each congregation involved forms a trained core team of lay leaders who engage in leadership training provided by GHIAA. The role of the core team is to engage in individual meetings in the congregation, host house meetings to learn of congregants’ justice concerns, participate with other GHIAA members in determining the organizational priorities, and represent the congregation during key decisions.
In addition to the core team, AHCC is involved in Racial Justice Activation Training (though GHIAA). Pastor Jordan and four AHCC members took part in a six-month intensive training on racial justice issues to learn how to empower and encourage our community to create equity and authentically be a more diverse church, and are now working with AHCC on how to intentionally be an anit-racist church.
For more information about GHIAA, please contact Pastor Jordan or visit the GHIAA website.