Make a Financial Commitment to AHCC
How can I make a financial commitment to AHCC?
There is a thrilling kind of hope that comes with possibility!
Which is why this year’s annual giving campaign is named
Possibility is a choice, it’s a measure of our faith. We can choose the same old, same old because “it’s what we’ve always done;” or we can choose to innovate because we truly believe in a God who is forever making all things new. We can choose a posture of scarcity in which we hoard our resources because they seem limited and finite, or we can choose a posture of abundance in which we share our resources, because we understand them to be gifts from a God whose love and grace is limitless and infinite. We can choose to believe that the Kingdom of God, here on earth, is impossible, or we can work together to make it so, believing that with our God all things are possible.
Our mission and ministry depend on YOU – which is why we ask you to participate in AHCC’s Annual Giving Campaign. We need your support and your financial commitment to continue the work of Kingdom building.
There are three ways to make your financial commitment to support the work of AHCC.
Recurring Gifts
A predictable source of funds allows continued support of existing programs as well as new innovative programs that may be created during the year. A recurring gift is made through your bank or credit card and is set up to recur weekly or monthly.
Annual Commitment
Glenn Olson at or 860.216.9833.