Make a Financial Commitment to AHCC
How can I support the Advent Pop-Up Campaign?
As we celebrate the Advent season—a time of both expectation and reflection on the miraculous birth of Christ—we are called to share our blessings and continue his work in the world. That is why we are thrilled to announce AHCC’s Advent Pop-Up Stewardship campaign, “Anticipating Great Gifts.”
We know how deeply each of you cares for our church family and the vital mission we share in furthering the Kingdom of God. We are grateful to those who have made financial commitments this year and to those who made generous additions to your gifts this summer. We still have work to do to meet our Stewardship goal for this program year.
This Pop-Up Stewardship campaign aims to place AHCC on solid financial footing for the 2024-25 program year.
Now is the time for every member to exercise their generosity and embody the spirit of sharing and caring, especially as we approach the year’s end. The campaign will focus on the themes of faith, hope, joy, and love. Just as the Magi anticipated Christ’s birth and brought gifts, we too are encouraged to celebrate the joy of giving and recognize the profound impact our gifts can make.
Using the link here, you’ll find several ways to enhance your stewardship commitment. Whether through a one-time cash, check, or credit card gift, increasing your recurring donation, gifting appreciated stock, or making an end-of-year IRA or RMD gift, your support will make a tangible difference.
Together, let’s make this Advent a season of generosity and love, ensuring that AHCC continues to shine as a beacon of hope as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ.
With gratitude and hope,
Barnaby W. Horton, Chair, AHCC Stewardship Group
Rev. Erica Thompson, Senior Minister
There are three ways to make your financial commitment to support the work of AHCC.
Recurring Gifts
A predictable source of funds allows continued support of existing programs as well as new innovative programs that may be created during the year. A recurring gift is made through your bank or credit card and is set up to recur weekly or monthly.
Annual Commitment
Glenn Olson at or 860.216.9833.