Interval House
Mission Statement
Interval House is dedicated to ending domestic violence and providing services that will prevent and break the cycle of family and intimate partner abuse. They strive to reach all persons at risk and bring about social change. They are committed to empowering clients and providing a nurturing environment for victims to heal and reclaim their lives as survivors.
Program Description
Interval House offers emergency safe housing, as well as intervention services and support for battered women and their children from Asylum Hill and the Greater Hartford area. “Victim to Survivor” provides those needing emergency shelter access to its 21-bed and 4-crib Safe House. Residents receive food, clothing and 24/7 advocate support, including information and referrals, safety planning, and domestic violence counseling. Residents receive ongoing advocacy as they develop income, employment, health, and housing goals, as well as assistance with legal advocacy, support groups, transportation, and childcare plans. Community clients (those not residing at the Safe House) are assisted just the same, and may receive crisis counseling, legal advocacy, referrals, and financial/housing assistance as they work to establish independence from abusers.