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Winter Faith

Winter is a season marked by long nights and cold temperatures; the landscape is stark, barren, and seemingly dead. And truth be told, I have heard many refer to the last two years as a never-ending winter.

But did you know that ecologically speaking winter is the most active season of all? It may not look like it, because we cannot see the tremendous growth and transformation which is taking place. But it’s happening, just beyond our earthly understanding and our human perception.

It is said that faith is believing what we cannot see and trusting what we may not fully understand. For me, faith is like moving through the season of winter: believing that the Holy is at work even if I don’t have eyes to see it, ears to hear it, or the patience to be still.

The God of many names, who speaks every language, reminds us to be grateful for the innumerable ways God show up in the world and in our lives, remembering the words of the author of Ecclesiastes: “for everything there is a season, a time for every matter under heaven…” As we move through the season of winter, let’s pause to feel God’s presence in all the seasons of our own lives, as God pours out upon each one of us the strength to be grounded in justice, and mercy, and humility, and above all, love.


May the words you speak
May the words you hear and understand
Be holy

May your actions
May the actions of others
Be sacred

May your humanity be honored
May you honor the humanity of others
And may each one of you go forth bearing light, grace, compassion, and love out into a world so in need.

Blessings and peace be upon you all! Amen.