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Summer Update

We are now officially into summer and a few weeks into Rev. Erica’s sabbatical, and wanted to take a moment to thank you for all your encouragement and support. We are having fun connecting with you, learning with you, and growing in faith and service together!

As you may have noticed, our beloved David Figliuzzi, former vice moderator, has returned to AHCC to help with sabbatical coverage following his graduation from Yale Divinity School. David has been making calls, doing pastoral visits, helping coordinate Adult Education events for the fall, and connecting with community leaders to help further our justice and community initiatives. He will also be preaching and helping lead worship. We are so grateful for David to share his many gifts with us!

As you may have seen on social media, Rev. Erica has been enjoying precious and sacred time with her family. We all miss her greatly, and are grateful for your continued prayers for her and your appreciation of her need for this well-deserved sabbatical time. We invite you to reach out to JordanDavid, or Tracy if you would like prayer or a visit, if there is anything weighing on your heart, or if you want to share a joy.

We invite you to click the button below and take a look at the all fun summer social events we have planned. You can see more information and registration in the calendar. We hope they will help deepen our connection to one another, and we encourage you to participate in as many as you can.

The summer worship series, Steps to Living our Fullest and Most Fulfilling Lives, starts July 3. The series will explore the themes behind the “Twelve Steps” and will invite us to discover ways to cultivate compassion for ourselves; to regain our agency and discover our strength; and to free ourselves from the harmful habits, toxic relationships, and burdensome dependencies that might be holding us back from living our fullest and most fulfilling lives. If you’re in town, we’d love to see you at worship in person, and if you’re traveling, we invite you to livestream Sunday worship.

With joy, enthusiasm, and prayer,

Tracy and Jordan