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Job Description Posted to SNEUCC

The Search Committee for the Minister of Mid/Later Life is pleased to report that the job listing is complete and has been posted to the website of the Southern New England Conference of the UCC (SNEUCC) as well as to the AHCC website. The posting includes the church profile that has been updated through the combined efforts of AHCC staff and committee members working with our liaisons at the SNEUCC.

Now that the position is posted, God willing, the committee should be receiving applications soon, possibly even before you read this update! The committee has been preparing for submissions by discussing the criteria that will be used to evaluate the candidates and forming a subcommittee of three members to communicate with each applicant throughout the process.

The committee has been convening on a regular basis, gathering with SNEUCC contacts, discussing the church profile, and assigning various roles and duties to each committee member. We have scheduled upcoming weekly meeting dates for well into May, with the expectation that we will have additional meetings to discuss the applications as they come in.

Committee members, Lenell Kittlitz (Chair), Tory Chavey, Anderson Curtis, Connor Gallegos, Kathleen Graham, Hannah Frenette Granfield-Horton, Africka Hinds, Wanda Williams-McCormack, and Frank Virnelli, welcome thoughtful input from the congregation as well as prayers and patience as we seek AHCC’s Minister of Mid/Later Life.