Poinsettias for Advent
Believe it or not, the season of Advent is fast approaching and it’s time to think about the festive poinsettias that will grace our sanctuary on December 8, the second Sunday in Advent.
If you wish to donate a poinsettia in honor or memory of a loved one, please follow the prompts and complete the requested information; each poinsettia is $15.00. The deadline for orders is Sunday, December 1. If you are more comfortable writing a check, please fill out the form in Drew Hall “Christmas Poinsettias” and attach check/cash and deposit it in the box.
If you are interested in the joy of delivering a poinsettia to our congregation and community members in need of extra love, please contact Kristin White at kwhite@ahcc.org. Poinsettias will be picked up and delivered following the 10am service on Sunday, December 8.