May Report from the Search Committee
We are pleased to report that applications for this important ministry are coming in and we are privileged to review each and every one using a discernment and evaluation process with prayer as an essential component. As a committee, we also recognize the importance of getting to know one another and that, too, is occurring and is a privilege.
We do understand how you must feel – waiting and anticipating is both exciting and can be challenging. You are an important part of this process and we encourage you to spread the word, and if you know of someone that you think would be a good candidate, feel free to let us know. Just as a reminder: the church profile and job description for this position is on AHCC’s website here and our Facebook page here.
Please know that we will continue to keep you informed on our progress and we ask that you hold us in your prayers. We know that God will guide us and provide us with a candidate that will bring the skills, passion, and gifts to this important part of our ministry team. We are in this together and we are blessed to have your trust and care.
With deep appreciation, Kathleen Graham
Committee members: Lenell Kittlitz (chair), Tory Chavey, Anderson Curtis, Connor Gallegos, Kathleen Graham, Hannah Frenette Granfield-Horton, Africka Hinds, Wanda Williams-McCormack, Frank Virnelli.