Annual Theme – To Know and Be Known
Connection. As human beings we are wired for it. Jesus understood our need to connect, not on a superficial level, but deeply and authentically. Jesus spent most of his time connecting and ministering to others – many times with those society had cast aside. It is by Christ’s example that we will be guided in our ministries this year – to be vulnerable and trusting as we share our innermost thoughts and to be open to listening to those of others.
Too often we feel we must present an image that we “have it all together.” But friends, I assure you that none of us has it all together! Everyone’s journey is fraught with struggle and challenges, and I am willing to bet that every time we have overcome an obstacle, we did it with the help of others.
As a first step on our journey, we will invite folks to wear name badges on Sundays. Why? Because if you want to see someone’s eyes light up, call them by their name – especially when they don’t expect it. On Homecoming Sunday, September 10, we will worship together in the sanctuary at 10am with upbeat music and an inspiring message and introduce the theme for the program year: To Know and Be Known. Following worship, as we gather in community to connect and reconnect, I invite you to ask someone this simple question, “What is the history of your name?” I believe that by the end of that day, you will have heard some interesting stories while connecting to folks on a level that is very personal.
So come, connect, know and be known.