Early Life Ministry Staff Update
As the school year comes to an end and we wrap up our AHCC program year, I am so hopeful about the future. Through the past several years, we have undergone many changes as a community and worked to become a church that looks more like the Kingdom of God. Today, I am excited to tell you about a few things happening at AHCC that I believe will make us a better faith community and help us grow into who God is calling us to be in this time.
· After Tobey Aubert, Director of Early Life Ministries, left in late January, Erica and I intentionally re-evaluated our programming instead of rushing to hire someone immediately, as we felt it important to take time to listen for where God was inviting us to go with our ELM department.
· In late May, we looked over our Faith Lab Kids Sunday School program, Middle & High School Youth Groups, and Confirmation to discern what our young people need and how we can provide a safe, loving, and faith-filled environment for them.
· We’ve concluded that it is in the best interest of our young people to hire two people to facilitate ELM programming and events. With eyes and hearts focused on growth and fostering faithful relationships, we believe that a Director of Children’s Ministries, to focus on our Nursery and Faith Lab Kids programming, and a Director of Youth Ministries, to focus on our Middle School and High School Youth Groups, will ensure all our young people are receiving the attention and encouragement they deserve.
· At the June meeting of the Personnel Committee, these two part-time job descriptions were presented and approved.
· The Director of Children’s Ministries job description is posted here, and the Director of Youth Ministries job description is posted here. Both job descriptions will be distributed within the Southern New England Conference of the United Church of Christ and other networks we are connected with.
· Over the summer, I will conduct interviews with applicants and hope to begin the program year in September with two new staff members.
Friends, I must also take this opportunity to thank the AHCC staff and lay leaders, as well as the amazing members of the ELM Team who have helped volunteer and support our children and youth programming during this time of transition.
I feel blessed to be a part of the Asylum Hill Congregational Church family and I believe in our future. We have the opportunity to build upon a legacy of love, faith, and fun for our children, teens, and their families in ways that make me so excited about God’s path for us. I ask that you hold me, the staff, and our future applicants in your prayers as we move into this next season. We have so much to look forward to and I am sure that the possibilities for us in the future are endless.
In prayer and hope,
Rev. Jordan Bucey